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Account aanmakenElements Green Connoisseur King Size Slim Rolling Papers with Tips is Elements' newest paper that shimmers with a natural green tint thanks to the unrefined plant material that makes up its construction.
Elements Green Papers, have been finished with a natural sugar gum that is one of Element's key distinguishable features as it caramelises when burnt and leaves a tiny line of ash, whereas the rest of the paper disappears without any ash remaining.
Additionally, each Element Paper features a proprietary watermark that prevents the paper from running and allows a smooth burn to happen every time. The King Size Element Green Rolling Papers with tips measure 115mm wide and 45mm tall. The connoisseur pack contains 40 filter card tips per booklet, and typically, smokers will split these tips in half, meaning they can get around 80 tips per booklet.
Je beoordeling toevoegen
Beoordeel Elements Green Connoisseur - Unrefined Plant Papers